Matko Sorić
Matko Sorić



Gene Kim, Jez Humble, Patrick Debois, John Willis & Nicole Forsgren

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Concentrated DevOps culture guidebook.

Analogous to financial debt, technical debt describes how decisions we make lead to problems that get increasingly more difficult to fix over time, continually reducing our available options in the future - even when taken on judiciously, we still incur interest. (Kim, Humble, Debois & Willis 2021, xxxii-xxxiii)

Our goal is to decrease the amount of time required for changes to be deployed into production and to increase the reliability and quality of those services. (Kim, Humble, Debois & Willis 2021, 19)

Even under the best circumstances, some knowledge is inevitably lost with each handoff. (Kim, Humble, Debois & Willis 2021, 25)

… our goal is to create fast feedback and feedforward loops whereever work is performed, at all stages of the technology value stream, encompassing Product Management, Development, QA, Infosec, and Operations. This includes the creation of automated build, integration, and test processes so that we can immediately detect when a change has been introduced that takes us out of a correctly functioning and deployable state. (Kim, Humble, Debois & Willis 2021, 35)

When we work within a complex system, by definition it is impossible for us to perfectly predict all the outcomes for any action we take. (Kim, Humble, Debois & Willis 2021, 46)

Organizations that struggle with financial debt only make interest payments and never reduce the loan principal, and they may eventually find themselves in situations where they can no longer service the interes payments. Similarly, organizations that don’t pay down technical debt can find themselves so burdened with daily workarounds for problems left unfixed that they can no longer complete new work. In other words, they are now only making the interest payment on their technical debt. (Kim, Humble, Debois & Willis 2021, 89)

… how we organize our teams has a powerful effect on the software we produce, as well as our resulting architectural and production outcomes. (Kim, Humble, Debois & Willis 2021, 97)

When every team expedites their work, the net result is that every project ends up moving at the same slow crawl. (Kim, Humble, Debois & Willis 2021, 101)

In high-performance organizations, everyone within team shares a common goal - quality, availability, and security aren’t the responsibility of individual departments but are part of everyone’s job every day. (Kim, Humble, Debois & Willis 2021, 104)

Continuous delivery includes creating the foundations of our automated deployment pipeline, ensuring that we have automated tests that constantly validate that we are in a deployable state, having developers integrate their code into trunk daily, and architecturing our environment and code to enable low-risk releases. (Kim, Humble, Debois & Willis 2021, 133)

… we will only accept development work as done when it can be successfully built, deployed, and confirmed that it runs as expected in a production-like environment, instead of merely when a developer believes it to be done. (Kim, Humble, Debois & Willis 2021, 145)

Our goal is to find as many code errors through our automated test suites, reducing our reliance on manual testing. (Kim, Humble, Debois & Willis 2021, 160)

Our goal is to write and run automated performance tests that validate our performance across the entire application stack (code, database, storage, network, virtualization, etc.) as part of the deployment pipeline, so we detect problems early, when the fixes are cheapest and fastest. (Kim, Humble, Debois & Willis 2021, 162)

… significant problems result when developers work in long-lived private branches (also known as ‘feature branches’), only merging back into trunk sporadically, resulting in a large batch-size of changes. (Kim, Humble, Debois & Willis 2021, 170)

By keeping our code in a deployable state, we are able to eliminate the common practice of having a separate test and stabilization phase at the end of the project. (Kim, Humble, Debois & Willis 2021, 172)

Developers’ ability to self-deploy code into production, to quickly see happy customers when their feature works, and to quickly fix any issues without having to open up a ticket with Operations has deminished over the last decade - in part as result od a need for control and oversight, perhaps driven by security and compliance requirements. The resulting common practice is for Operations to perform code deployments because this is a common implementation of separation of duties, a widely accepted practice to reduce the risk of production outages and fraud, which requires that no one person has end-to-end control over a process, such as software delivery. (Kim, Humble, Debois & Willis 2021, 184)

To better enable fast flow, we want a code promotion process that can be performed by either Development or Operations, ideally without any manual steps or handoffs. (Kim, Humble, Debois & Willis 2021, 183)

The primary way we enable application-based release patterns is by implementing feature toggles (also called feature flags), which provide us with the mechanism to selectively enable and disable features without requiring a production code deployment. Feature toggles can also control which features are visible and available to specific user segments (e.g., internal employees, segments of customers). (Kim, Humble, Debois & Willis 2021, 195-196)

The strangler fig application pattern is especially useful for helping migrate portions of a monolithic application or tightly coupled services to one that is more loosely coupled. (Kim, Humble, Debois & Willis 2021, 208)

By repeatedly decoupling functionality from our existing tightly coupled system, we move our work into a safe and vibrant ecosystem where developers can be far more productive, resulting in the legacy application shrinking in functionality. It might even disappear entirely as all the needed functionality migrates to our new architecture. (Kim, Humble, Debois & Willis 2021, 214)

High performers used disciplined approach to solving problems, using production telemetry to understand possible contributing factors to focus their problem solving, as opposed to lower performers who would blindly reboot servers. (Kim, Humble, Debois & Willis 2021, 225)

In order to see all problems as they occur, we must design and develop our applications and environments so that they generate sufficient telemetry, allowing us to understand how our system is behaving as a whole. When all levels of our application stack have monitoring and logging, we enable other important capabilities, such as graphing and visualizing our metrics, anomaly detection, proactive alerting and escalation, etc. (Kim, Humble, Debois & Willis 2021, 228)

By making telemetry fast, easy to get, and sufficiently centralized, everyone in the value stream can share a common view of reality. (Kim, Humble, Debois & Willis 2021, 236)

More exotic filtering techniques exist, such as fast Fourier transforms, which has been widely used in image processing, and the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test (found in Graphite and Grafana), which is often used to find similarities or differences in periodic/seasonal metric data. (Kim, Humble, Debois & Willis 2021, 254)

… we should never consider our code deployment or production change to be done until it is operating as designed in the production environment. (Kim, Humble, Debois & Willis 2021, 261)

Traditionally, when we review changes for deployment, we tend to rely heavily on reviews, inspections, and approvals just prior to deployment. Frequently, those approvals are given by external teams who are often too far removed from the work to make informed decisions on whether a change is risky or not, and the time required to get all the necessary approvals also lengthens our change lead times. (Kim, Humble, Debois & Willis 2021, 281)

Creating the conditions that enable change implementations to fully own the quality of their changes is an essential part of the high-trust, generative culture we are striving to build. (Kim, Humble, Debois & Willis 2021, 298)

… it is not acceptable to have countermeasures to merely “be more careful” or “be less stupid” - instead, we must design real countermeasures to prevent there errors from happening again. (Kim, Humble, Debois & Willis 2021, 310)

When we work within complex systems, this need to amplify weak failure signals is critical to averting catastrophic failures. (Kim, Humble, Debois & Willis 2021, 313)

Our goal for game day is to help teams simulate and rehears accidents to give them the ability to practice. First, we schedule a catastrophic event, such as the simulated destruction of an entire data center, to happen at some point in the future. We then give teams time to prepare, to eliminate all the single points of failure, and to create the necessary monitoring procedures, failover procedures, etc. (Kim, Humble, Debois & Willis 2021, 317)

Implementing these non-functional requirements will enable our services to be easy to deploy and keep running in production, where we can quickly detect and correct problems and ensure they degrade gracefully when components fail. Examples of non-functional requirements include ensuring that we have:

* sufficient production telemetry in our applications and environments * the ability to accurately track dependencies * services that are resilient and degrade gracefully * forward and backward compatibility between versions * the ability to archive data to manage the size of the production data set * the ability to easily search and understand log messages across services * the ability to trace requests from users through multiple services * simple, centralized runtime configuration using feature flags, etc. (Kim, Humble, Debois & Willis 2021, 328)

… we schedule rituals that help enforce the practice of reserving Dev and Ops time for improvement work, such as non-functional requirements, automation, etc. One of the easiest ways to do this is to schedule and conduct day- or week-long improvement blitzes, where everyone on a team (or in the entire organization) self-organizes to fix problems they care about - no feature work is allowed. (Kim, Humble, Debois & Willis 2021, 336)

Instead of injecting security into our product at the end of the process, we will create and integrate security controls into the daily work of Development and Operations, so that security is part of everyone’s job every day. (Kim, Humble, Debois & Willis 2021, 351)

… unit tests may contain malicious code that allows or enables unauthorized access. (Kim, Humble, Debois & Willis 2021, 375)

The traditional approach to implementing separation of duty can often impede this by slowing down and reducing the feedback engineers receive on their work. THis prevents engineers from taking full responsibility for the quality of their work and reduces a firm’s ability to create organizational learning. (Kim, Humble, Debois & Willis 2021, 385)

… DevOps is not just a technology imperative but an organizational imperative. (Kim, Humble, Debois & Willis 2021, 398)

Lean principles focus on creating value for the customer - thinking systematically, creating constancy of purpose, embracing scientific thinking, creating flow and pull (versus push), assuring quality at the source, leading with humility, and respecting every individual. (Kim, Humble, Debois & Willis 2021, 409)
